Reflection is generally a cathartic experience. I have been looking back on my journal entries from the past year-since I found out I would be going on this amazing trip. The black book is filled with desires and motivation to love God more, manage time well, serve others, and prayers for many many things in my life and for those around me.
A few excerpts:
"I'm ready for an adventure, to challenge myself and step out of my comfort zone. I've been waiting for this opportunity and now is the time to prepare and equip my head and heart. God, still my heart. Or speak to it, rather. Help me to hear your voice amidst the noise of this life. I want my priorities to be even more centered around You, seeking your face and sharing in your Kingdom. God, be great in my life."
3/22/10 Refiner's Fire
"God, break me of what I feel entitled to receive from you. I want my life to be so focused on you, that your will and desires become my own. Stir up a mighty and powerful force within me. Grant me your eyes, heart and courage. May you be glorified by my motives. Continue to refine me, God. May my whole life be an offering that aids in accomplishing your glorious will for your children."
"God, purify my heart. Help me to trust in your timing and plans. Calm my spirit."
"I pray for an increase in joy. Help me to see past my daily tasks of school, work, church and homework. Give my a peace in the midst of my day. Help my to see your purpose and beauty all around me, while I prepare for my trip abroad. Prepare my heart to go, my finances, my mind, my friends, family, my boyfriend, school and my job. Set apart this time to serve you. Captivate your children. Take back what belongs to you-Spark a fire that cannot be contained."
"Choose sacrifice over selfishness."
Fairly consistently I desire and search for God's provision and power in my life. I know the theory and theology of God's love for us, to be sure. But I am ready to have no other options but serving Him and trusting in Him. It is easy to love God when things are going well in sunny California. I know God wants to continue to refine my heart, mind, character, witness, speech, actions and intentions for His glory-not my own.
May these posts be a starting point for gauging growth. God moves, let us not miss the power.
much insight into your prayers and thought process. this is the verbal conversations I want out of you! not to pry into private conversations between you and God but to share in the beauty of your relationship. take part in that journey, witness his growth. hear the transformation of Christ molding your perceptions. biblical truth means nothing if you can't apply it. prayer n journaling is but a reflection of our communication with the Father. evaluating our relationships n community is the testament and the fruit. the almost measurable impact of Christ in our life. share your open book with others and watch their lives be transformed by what God is doing in your life! your girls will catch a fire of the contagious Christ. .. I'm writing this on my iPhone and ran out of space.. but I'm sure there's more to be said ;) rawrrrr keep it up