Someone once told me that if you are discontent with life, it is a misplaced desire for God. That your heart and mind are in the wrong place. When our eyes and hearts wander away from the truth, we become dissatisfied, because Christ is the only source of true joy, peace and contentment.
Life is so fast paced here in the city. We are busy taking classes, studying, reading, volunteering with LIFE Argentina, eating, making friends and taking photos. I feel a need to empty myself. To spend a day in silence, in observation. God desires our best, our whole hearts, every part of our self.
When life fills up, I trust God wants to take back what is His. I believe He delights that our lives are full of love, adventure, seeking friendships and trying to advance the Kingdom. But I feel now that all of this stuff is just that- stuff. So I will make time for Jesus. Empty myself so He can fill me back up so I will be even more equipped to do the work He has called me towards.
beautifully written miss amanda.