Saturday, February 12, 2011

Decisions:: But the Lord determines their steps

We all have major life decisions we have to make. Sometimes, the answer is simple. The answer is obvious. Sometimes God could be glorified either way. I have been presented with an amazing opportunity to attend a ministry school next fall. I'll graduate from Concordia this spring, and the timing seems to fit. 

When I was in Indonesia in November, God placed some people in my path that encouraged me to apply to Bethel's School of Supernatural Ministry. Bethel church is in Redding, CA only 3 hours from my home. I have considered this school once before, after my sophomore year of college, but I knew I had to get my degree first. It is similar to a Bible college, except it focuses on how we can do what the Bible says as we walk this earth.

Classes run from September to May. I would have classes Tuesdays-Fridays 12:45-5:30pm, attend two church services per week and one cell group per week. Students read through the whole Bible, along with 12 other books by various theologians. I really feel like God has been preparing me for a school like this. 
Here's the website to the school if you're interested:

It is an amazing ministry that equips people to walk in God's spirit and power. Practical skills are taught, as well as general teachings and spiritual growth. The decision isn't as simple as I would like. I believe God could use me in this decision to go, but also in a decision to get a fulltime job after graduation.

Pro Bethel:
       “Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) is committed to the truth that God loves people, gave Himself for them and has given His Church supernatural power to bring individuals and nations into wholeness.” !!!
       Encounter and experience Jesus in a deeper way. Learn to walk in the authority and power of my royal identity in Christ.
       Knowledge and experience: Bible, prayer, healing, prophesy, fasting, miracles
       Join a new church-Bethel

       New start-living in Redding
       9 hours/600 miles closer to home
       Cheaper cost of living
       Since the job market is difficult to break into, I get to spend a year discovering, cultivating and honing gifts, talents and abilities for a future career.
       I would gain valuable resources for a potential future career

Con Bethel:
       Leave my current community-Rock Harbor, my sister, Danielle, my friends,  and the Circles mentorship group

       Move to Redding…not exactly a big city
       Not an accredited school
       Potential negative or positive impact on future job positions in the church, because of the extreme nature/content of school

       Leave my current jobs, which I love!
       Have to find a new job

       Leave my amazing house and housemates in Orange
       Move all my stuff!

God can really work through pro and con lists. They're pretty spiritual. It's definitely a helpful way for me to organize my thoughts. Praying through this decision and trusting that God moves and redirects as we seek active and open communication with him and his spirit. I would love any advice or suggestions if anyone feels a pull in either direction. Thanks Slices,


  1. i know we talked earlier, but i just wanted to repeat myself and say YES i definitely think you should do it. "Encounter and experience Jesus in a deeper way. Learn to walk in the authority and power of my royal identity in Christ." that sounds perfect for you!

  2. My daughter, I found this scripture to be helpful in many ways, mostly if something wasn't lining up with what I believed. But it says in Philippians 3:15 that he will make all things clear. I have the full assurance of all that is Holy, that he will make it clear as to your decision! love you. Dad

    Philippians 3:15
    12Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

    15All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. 16Only let us live up to what we have already attained.

  3. Amanda! Having talked to you about this last week at Life Group and after reading this, I can see there is vibrant passion in your heart for going to this school. The hard part with every decision we make is that there are things that change that may not be what we exactly want. However, when we put God first, and let him guide our decisions, he totally has our backs and will use every situation for his plan and glory. You just got to take that first step and start walking on that new path!

  4. just by reading your lists, I think you want to go but you are scared. you have real, concrete pros that do not match the passion in your pros for staying (aka your "cons" list). sometimes you just gotta jump. choose adventure, amanda. :)

  5. Manda :)

    fellow housemate. Praying with you through this. :)
    His will be done.

  6. Amanda. I know we talked about this a little in Life Group and that I went to a fairly similar school. I would love to just chat with you a little and share some of my experiences. Maybe it would help give you some insight into both the pro's and con's. I will be praying with you that God would make it clear what His will for you is!!

  7. I grew up in Redding and my family currently lives 5 minutes from Bethel. Its crazy how it is world-wide famous, but it is on fire for God and He is moving in amazing ways because His Church there seeks Him with everything. Let me know if you want to get into contact with current students as I know a few and let me know if you have any questions about Redding as it is my hometown :) I can possibly hook you up with housing/job/etc.

    Praying for this decision! It is a big one, but if not now, then when?

  8. Are you accepted? (Sorry I just wasn't clear on that part.) I would say keep praying, seeking, and learning about the opportunity. I would definetely take the opportunity to talk to some current students and possibly take a trip to visit the campus (if you haven't already). I have found that if you are moving while seeking God, the doors seem to open/close for you. Praying for you in this.

  9. Wow, thank you family for praying with my through this decision-making process! It has taken a lot of time, silence, scripture and situations/testimonies to help me reach a decision!

    Corinne-Wow, I didn't know you're from Redding! It would be great to speak with some students, etc. And the housing/job, I would loveeee to speak with you more about that.

    Karen-I have been to the church a few times and a few of their Jesus Culture conferences, most recently in January. Then I got to speak with a lot of students and they all said going to BSSM was the best decision they've ever made! Can't argue with that! Haha. I have been accepted and they're waiting for a deposit to make my decision final. It seems God is also opening doors through Corinne :)
    Thanks again everyone for your encouragement, it means the world.

  10. amanda, it was great to talk to you about your step in faith at church the other night. thanks for sharing all of this thought process with us :)


Thoughts, comments or questions are welcome!